Friday, December 12, 2008

One Laptop per Child

Hi everyone, long time no write !
I've been busy with my lovely daughter recently and couldn't write much !

Anyway, I was reading recently some info about One Laptop per Child, I love their concept I really believe that can help the education in under developed country, it has great design, nice interface, easy to understand and internet connection... Oh wait, it has the ability to connect to the internet but what if there is no internet provider in those countries or these region ! I'm sure that in the US or Europe you can find wifi connection almost everywhere, but some of thos places has no access at all at electricity or water, so I'm little concern about this great idea.
Why we don't do, buy one battery and give money to buy a electrical system to those country, or buy one router and give money to build a network before !
These days, the cash owner are the companies, why they all decide to give part of sales to the NPO. or even better have a special department inside that is a NPO projects.
Anyway, that was my feeling today.
Hope to write more about it later !

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